Saturday, May 30, 2020

Should You Hire Potential or Experience for a Startup

Should You Hire Potential or Experience for a Startup So, you’ve decided to start a business. Without a doubt, you’re probably quite anxious to start making money right away. However, before we talk profits, there is that team of employees to consider first. After all, it’ll be your team that will be the ultimate difference between the success or failure of your startup. If this is your business, it will be important to note that hiring for a startup is much different than hiring for a large company or well-established venture. And if you don’t want to end up in the 75% of startups that fail, you’ll want to focus on hiring individuals who will stick with you to help focus on growing your company, instead of employee turnover. When recruiting for a startup, one common obstacle that business owners have is deciding between talent and experience. While there is a slight possibility that your startup recruits will have both talent and experience, often you will need to choose one over the other, but both are incredibly valuable to your business. Survival of the  fittest: Prospective recruits who have raw talent often have the upper hand when it comes to adapting to change, usually very quickly and without fail. Why? Unlike experienced candidates, those with raw talent tend to be more open to change and how to adapt to it. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that more experienced employees will refuse change altogether. They more or less have assumptions as to what will work and what will not be based on their previous successes and fails, but change has a way of negatively impacting the performance of these individuals. Dedication,  dedication, dedication: There is no question that individuals with exceptional experience prove dedication to some degree. After all, they’ve made it a point to advance in their education. Similarly, if these same individuals stayed with previous employers for a significant amount of time or have completed more training, this could certainly be a sign of longevity as well. However, longevity does not always lead to productivity. It’s true that while self-taught individuals may not have a fancy degree, these individuals often prove to be more dedicated as they usually have a lot more to prove in order to be considered. This is simply because candidates with raw talent don’t have the experience to fall back on when things go awry, which isn’t usually a problem for others with more experience. For example, if an employee worked at the same company for 30 years and was let go from his position, chances are that his experience will speak for itself when looking for another job. While his experience doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be more productive, he’ll likely be the most dedicated employee you’ll get. Everyone’s  got an ego: What business owners tend to forget when recruiting is that whether they choose raw talent or experience, everyone will have an ego. Don’t get me wrong experience can be great to have on your side as a startup    however, an employee’s ego can easily damage their job performance, as well as office culture. Even raw talent can have an ego, possibly even bigger than that of a more experienced individual. While they may not carry a full resume or have a college education, they’re naturally talented, which can even make them more ego-worthy. When all is said and done, in terms of loyalty, it looks like raw talent wins. As a startup owner, raw talent tends to be more grateful towards you and thankful for the amount of experience you’ve given them. Experienced candidates, on the other hand, may not feel the need to exceed, but they’ll be able to meet your work expectations. In an ideal world, we would jump at the chance to hire the most talented and experienced individuals; however, this is not always the case. You have your budget, values, and expectations to consider, so choose the candidates who you think will best serve your startup and help it grow. What steps do you take to recruit the right employees? Share your comments below! Author: Nick Rojas is an online entrepreneur and passionate journalist for who enjoys sharing his knowledge on business startups, globalization and business solutions, wh0 wants to start his own business someday.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to Merch Up Your Blog

How to “Merch Up” Your Blog You know how bands make more money from the t-shirts they sell at concerts than they do from their cut of the ticket sales? The same thing is true, in a way, for people who are hoping to turn their blogs and video channels into real income. We’ve talked before about how important branded merchandise is for every business. In this article we’re going to teach you the right way to introduce (and sell more of) branded merchandise to your site and creative endeavors. Choose the Right Merch You know that you need merch. That’s a given. But do you know what type of merch you should sell? You need to choose items that your audience really wants and will really use. So how do you figure out what that is? Ask them! Some people do this by setting up a simple survey with a few options and asking people to fill it out. Othersand this really is the better ideasimply open up the conversation somewhere, like in a blog post or on a social media network (or both) and then monitor the conversation closely. Choose things that you know your audience loves but doesn’t know they can ask for. A lot of people get caught in the “shirt, button, sticker” mindset of merch and forget that there are so many other things out there that can be branded. Why not look for things that you know are popular within your audience’s culture? For example, the Doubleclicksunderstanding that the vast majority of their audience is made up of geeks and gamers, had branded dice made. How to Sell Your Merch If you’re not sure what to print and you’re afraid of devoting a bunch of your open space to inventory, you can always upload your logo and other branding graphics to sites like Red Bubble, Cafe Press, Zazzle, etc. This way people can put your graphics on whatever they like. Of course, when you use these channels you only get to keep a small percentage of the money your sales bring in. If you want a better profit, you need to order inventory and keep it on hand. You pay for the inventory once and then, whatever you make on top of the cost of that initial purchase is profit you get to keep. The catch with this method, though, is that you have to figure out how much inventory you actually need. Some bloggers and entrepreneurs do this by taking pre-orders for certain types of merchandise and then placing their orders. Others simply order a bunch of inventory and then list it for sale on their websites and social media profiles. Then they process the orders as they come in. Sending Your Merchandise While selling merch through print on demand services can save you a lot of headache, they also keep you from taking advantage of some great opportunities for further promotion. For example, when you process your own merch orders, you can send the orders in custom printed boxes that have been designed to reflect the brand you’re building and have your return address, url and logo printed on them. This helps promote your site and business to anybody who might happen to see the delivery, from the UPS guy to neighbors. Another opportunity for promotions exists within those boxes. Don’t ever send only what the person ordered. Add some value to the order by including a card with a discount code off of future orders (encourage the recipient to share the code with friends). Toss in some extra stuffsmaller branded merch that you can buy in bulk like small buttons, cheap stickers, maybe a postcard or two. People love getting extra stuff, even if it is stuff that might end up in a drawer! Finallymake sure whatever you’re selling, that it is easy for people to buy. If buyers have to jump through twelve hoops to buy your stuff, they’ll just keep consuming your free offers and never order anything monetizable.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Get a Happier Office in 2013 - Career Geek

Get a Happier Office in 2013 - Career Geek Wouldnt it be nice to walk into your office and sit down at your desk and get the same feeling you get when you walk into your home at the end of the day? The feeling of sheer happiness to be in a place which is warm, comfortable and stress free. Stress can hinder individuals effectiveness at work as it affects productivity, health, appearance, and of course, stress levels! If you can counter stress and make your office space a more enjoyable place to be in, then the chances are, your productivity will significantly improve, and as this improves, so will the quality and the quantity of work you are doing! Now, although you will still be at work, you would feel better, and as a result, you would be more productive, as well as being generally happier. With this in mind, here are 6 ways to improve your office space in 2013. 1.              Purchase Your Own Chair Buy an ergonomic chair, which supports your body and makes you feel relaxed and stress-free. Take time in deciding which chair you choose, as your chair is the centrepiece of your own office environment and can significantly affect your productivity, as its affects how comfortable you are. 2.              Organise Your Desk Making your desk feel less cluttered will make you feel more relaxed and more in control of your workload. Use a filing cabinet to store all documents and store them alphabetically or chronologically, as this will make finding these documents simpler. 3.                Make It Personal Adding colour to an office and making your office space feel more personal can make you feel more comfortable and more relaxed. Put pictures of your loved ones on your desk, so that when you arrive at work, you’re not only greeted by your colleagues, but also by your happy family. 4.              Get Environmental Research has found that by adding potted plants to your desk you can reduce fatigue and illness, in addition to generally brightening up your office and benefiting the environment. 5.              Be Clean By maintaining a clean desk you will be less likely to get ill as a result of bacteria being picked up on your belongings. In addition, by having a clean desk, you will remain relaxed, calm, and generally happy. 6.              Comforting Scent If your office allows, bring in scented candles or incense sticks, which can make you feel less fatigued and can clear your mind.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Twitter Tips for Positive Word of Mouth - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Twitter Tips for Positive Word of Mouth - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Word of mouth marketing is gaining in popularity as the oldest form of advertising reaches warp speed online and other people’s opinion and feedback before trying out a product or service are readily sought. People are getting smarter â€" they don’t easily get led by advertising and marketing claims that a company makes. More and more, they do their research online to hear what other consumers are saying about a product or service. Channels for positive word of mouth So how do brands and businesses ensure that they create a positive word of mouth for their products and services online? Though there are many different tools that you can utilize, one social media tool that has made itself popular for word of mouth marketing is Twitter. The great thing about Twitter is the fact that it helps you build and maintain relationships with your customers and audience. Though you may think that 140 characters is kind of limiting, it actually helps you deliver clear, concise messages to your customers and makes it easy for them to respond. And the best thing about Twitter is the fact that you can easily deliver your message to hundreds, even thousands of your followers. And these followers can easily “retweet” your message so it reaches their followers, so you’re effectively spreading the word to people who aren’t even your direct followers. Spread the word about your brand With Twitter, it’s really become easy to spread the word about your brand. And that’s only one of the viral effects of Twitter. There are a lot more ways that this platform can help your brand become more well-known. Here are some tips for using Twitter to create a positive word of mouth around your business or brand: Establish a good following Though following a lot of people and reading their tweets is a good way to establish yourself on Twitter, the more important part is getting these people to follow you and read your tweets as well. First, it’s important that you get your profile completely set up, so that anyone you follow or who visits your page can know more about your brand, and can consider following you. Next, make sure people know you have a Twitter profile so they can follow you there. Place “Follow” buttons on your website pages and on your blog, as well as your other social media accounts. It’s important that you don’t merely use Twitter for promotional purposes, as this will more likely make people “unfollow” you. You want to make sure you offer good, useful content that people will get value from. In fact, for businesses I recommend that instead of placing your website on your Twitter profile use your Facebook page link.   Twitter is far too chatty a platform to leave and hit the stiffness of a website.   Facebook, with its 420 character status updates, provides a much better forum to decompress from the high velocity of Twitter yet still have interaction.   Or, link it to your Google+profile again, it provides interaction. Interact with your network The important thing to remember about Twitter is the fact that it helps you build relationships, so it’s essential that you interact with your network in two-way conversations. Refrain from incessantly posting tweets and hope that people respond. Monitor your Twitter stream, comment on what other people are saying, respond to replies and comments of your tweets, and retweet content that you find useful and interesting. This makes you an effective participant in the community, leading to more users knowing and engaging with you and your brand. Utilize the Twitter “Favorites” feature Did you know that when you hover over a tweet on your Twitter stream, you have the option of placing it in your “Favorites” section? A good way to create a positive word of mouth about your brand is to save positive tweets that other people have written about your company.   The favorites section is your living, breathing testimonials page.   You can effectively build up a great list of public testimonials about your brand, which you can show to potential clients or contacts who show and interest in you oryour products or services. Use Twitter Search to monitor your company and common industry terms One of the features Twitter offers is the ability to search for people mentioning your name or company, as well as industry terms that can help you identify prospects. Monitor what people are saying about your brand and respond to them when appropriate. And when you do a search for industry terms, make sure to establish a dialogue with people you can see that you have a common ground with. You never know who your next client, customer or business partner could be. Develop relationships with the media an industry networks An excellent way to help spread the word about your brand is to interact with media and industry networks.   Stop and think for a moment where do the people who would hire or secure your services spend the most time in a large size audience?   Look for industry specific networks by utilizing a search of #hashtags and jump into conversations theyre having during their industry conference or even regularly scheduled twitter chats. Forging relationships,   take times and interaction for people to sample your character and competence. This fast paced platform accelerates the relationship building process.   See you in the Twitterverse! Author: Maria Elena Duron, is managing editor of the Personal Branding Blog and is also the CEO (chief engagement officer) of â€" a word of mouth marketing firm. She helps create connection, credibility, community and cha-ching through mobile marketing and social commerce around your brand. She is co-founder of #brandchat a weekly twitter chat focused on every aspect of branding.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Tips For Finding a Camp Counselor Job Description For Resume

Tips For Finding a Camp Counselor Job Description For ResumeFinding a camp counselor job description for resume can be easy when you know what to look for. The last thing you want to do is waste your time looking for them online or on the yellow pages and end up in a sea of spam. So here are some tips for getting the best possible description for your resume.Before we get started, remember that there are many ways to go about finding a job description for resume. You can simply browse through the newspaper and classified ads. Just make sure you don't give out your address or phone number. The last thing you want is a call from a recruiter asking for information that is not yours. Even if it is, you may not be given the chance to be interviewed for the position you are looking for.You could also try looking through classified ads in your local paper, or search online. When looking online, keep in mind that all of the details of the employer should be included. You should look for jobs that provide information on the salary range, length of employment, and training requirements. If possible, try to find positions that list their training requirements, whether you will be expected to attend classes or not. This will give you a better idea of what they expect from you.Now that you have an idea of what type of information you should include in your resume, it is time to make the most of the easy part: the resume. The best way to include a full description of yourself is to use a professional template. Using a template is easy; all you have to do is input your information, and then copy and paste it into the appropriate boxes. You can select which fields you want to put in and how many you need. The number of fields, you should leave blank will vary based on the position, but sometimes the more fields you leave blank, the more professional you look.When you have completed your job description, save it as a .doc file and email it to several places. This includes to yo ur resume services and your current employer. Remember, you want to be able to quickly get the ball rolling on your next resume. Once you have sent it out, be sure to follow up and let the company know that you are thinking about a change in employment.When you think you have done all you can to make your job description and resume professional, you can add a bit of personal touches to it. Include pictures, cartoons, even videos that you took during your job experience. If you were given any awards or certificates at the job, include them on your resume. Anything you feel can add something to your resume is fair game.When your resume is complete, make sure you send it out along with your resume and job description to your current employer and other employers. Sending them your resume will give them the chance to review it and consider hiring you. This is the best way to start your new career.If you follow these simple tips, you will have a much easier time finding a camp counselor j ob description for resume. Good luck!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Right Way to Introduce Telecommuting To Your Company

The Right Way to Introduce Telecommuting To Your Company The working world is changing. In the old days, it was all about a traditional office and a 9 -5 routine. Not so anymore. Now, more and more companies are embracing a more progressive line of thinking, moving to flexible hours and, even more so, telecommuting. The internet has changed a lot about the world, and with there no longer a need for people to be in the same room to work together, telecommuting has become increasingly popular. And the good news? It can boost employee productivity. Below, we take a look at how to gently ease in this way of working to your company. Start Slowly There are benefits to having your workers work from home, but only if it’s handled correctly. Don’t jump all in at once; if you just ask your workers to stay at home tomorrow, then your company is going to quickly be in chaos! Instead, start slowly. Have the employees who you know don’t need to be on site work at home one day a week, and see how it goes. Once you’re getting into the rhythm, then you’ll be able to have more employees working from home, for more days in the week. Have the Right Infrastructure The internet enables you to have telecommuting options for your employees, but it’ll only work if you have the right infrastructure in place. You may need to integrate VoIP solutions, video conference call software, and cloud storage into your business, in order to communicate effectively. If you have all the right pieces in place, then you’ll be able to create a fluid working environment regardless of where your workers are completing their tasks. Connecting with Employees Your workers may produce better work if they work at home, but a company relies on more than just the effectiveness of its workers; to reach its highest level, there needs to be a “team” dynamic. As such, you’ll want to spend time connecting with your workers, even if they conduct most of their work out of the office. Have them work onsite at least once a week, and also hold meetings face to face. There can be benefits to getting all your workers together for social drinks, too people much prefer to work at companies where it feels like they have friends. If none of your workers ever see each other, then this won’t be able to happen! Trust Your Workers Some bosses are hesitant when it comes to telecommuting. They think that their workers are just going to sit around! If you’ve hired correctly, then you should trust your workers. And that’s the beginning and end of it. Review and Update Telecommuting can be great for your business, but it’s not going to be perfect from day one. You’ll need to review and tweak the system if it’s going to bring the boosts that it’s capable of delivering. Keep an eye on how it’s working, and then make the changes as and when needed. It’ll work in the long run!

Friday, May 8, 2020

My favorite career books for your summer reading list

My favorite career books for your summer reading list Reading all the negative news about the economy, layoffs and the rising price of oil is enough to depress even the most optomistic among us (of which I count myself.) So to inspire you this week, I wanted to share some of my favorite career books. This way, you can read something uplifting and inspiring and get ideas to take your mind off the negative and instead focus on moving your career forward.Looking to test out new career path?Check out Test Drive Your Dream Job by Brian Kurth and Robin Simons. Brian is the founder of Vocation Vacations, a company that creates opportunities to test out different careers from winemaker to voice over artist to private investigator. With this book, you can set up your own test drive of any career youve been dreaming of. This week Ill be test driving a dream career for me cabaret singing! For those of you in the New York City area come see me live at Dont Tell Mama on 46th Street between 8th and 9th avenues at 8:30pm on Thursday, July 24th.Ready to go from college to career?Todays college students are doing more internships, externships, informational interviews, studies abroad, etc. Yet many still feel lost when it comes to defining the ideal career. Getting from College to Career by Lindsey Pollak is THE resource that grads need to not only land a job, but create a career path that works. You can read Lindseys blog posted under my favorite links.Have a fear thats keeping you from living your dream?If youve been thinking about making a career change but just havent had the courage to make a move, check out Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Dr. Susan Jeffers. Its a book Ive read and reread all the times Ive felt afraid to put myself out there in new ways. In fact, Im listening to it now before my cabaret show on Thursday!What career books have you found helpful? Are there a few youve found particularly inspiring?(Photo courtesy of Moriza.)